Ultimate TEST to See if Your Cat is an Adventure Cat

As we all know, cats are naturally curious animals, but not every cat is equally suited to a life of outdoor exploration. Certain breeds and individuals have characteristics that make them more inclined to enjoy and thrive in an outdoor environment. Understanding these traits can help you determine if your feline companion might be a good fit for activities outside, such as being walked on a leash or accompanying you on outdoor adventures.
Cats are both predators and prey and because of it they tend to be more alert and curious about their environment and can get overwhelmed easier than dogs. Preventing these mistakes will probably lead to a better and safer experience for both you and your cat.
Four signs that your cat might be suited for the Outdoor Life
1. High Energy Levels
Cats with a lot of energy often require more extensive physical exercise and mental stimulation than the average indoor environment can provide. These cats can become restless or show signs of boredom if their environment doesn’t meet their needs. Breeds like the Abyssinian, with an energetic and playful nature, often thrive with additional space to explore and new stimuli to interact with.
2. Curiosity and Playfulness
Any cat with a strong sense of curiosity or playful demeanor is likely to enjoy outdoor activities. These cats find satisfaction in exploring new environments, sniffing around, and playing with new objects. Bengal cats like Mia, are renowned for their curiosity and playful energy, making them good candidates for outdoor exploration under supervision.
3. Boldness and Confidence
A cat’s temperament plays a crucial role in determining its suitability for outdoor life. Cats that are bold, confident, and not easily startled are better suited to outdoor adventures, where unpredictable situations might arise. The Norwegian Forest Cat, with its adventurous spirit and robust build, often adapts well to supervised outdoor adventures.
4. Sociability
Cats that are comfortable around humans and other animals tend to handle adapt well to the outdoors, as they are less likely to feel overwhelmed when encountering other people or pets. Burmese cats, known for their friendly and sociable nature, are often well suited well to outdoor activities.
As we can see, not all cats have the same predisposition for adventuring, so we’ve created a fun test based on the above signs to help you assess whether you feline friend is ready for exploring the world outside. Follow this link and you can get the test straight into your inbox!
Breeds that tend to enjoy Outdoor Adventures
While every cat’s personality is different, some breeds have particular traits that make them more inclined to enjoy and benefit from outdoor exploration.
The Norwegian Forest Cat is well adapted to Northern climates. So, they are naturally equipped for the outdoors with their thick coats and sturdy bodies. They are friendly, intelligent, and adaptable, making them ideal companions for outdoor adventures, especially in colder regions.
The Abyssinian is one of the most energetic and playful breeds. These cats just love climbing, exploring, and playing, which makes them perfect for outdoor environments where they can channel all their extra energy constructively.
Bengals are very active cats (yes Mia, we’re talking about you!) and have a strong predatory instinct, which makes them natural explorers. Their muscular build and high energy levels make them great companions for owners interested in leash training and outdoor excursions.
Siberian Cats originate from the forests of Russia. Known for being agile and curious, their playful nature and adaptability to different environments make them great candidates for adventure.
The Turkish Van, or Swimming cat, is famous for its fascination with water and playful temperament. These unusual cats love anything that engages their natural instincts, making them the purrfect partner for every outdoor activity.
However, given patience, support and the right training, any cat can become an adventure cat. You don’t need to look for the specific breeds above. In fact, there is an interesting study on the Pygmalion effect that you can watch in the video below.
It is an example of how high expectations can lead to improved performance. So, for example, by simply believing that only Bengal cats make the best adventure cats, we invest more time in training and preparing this breed for outdoor activities, so they naturally become better at it! It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The real key to success is the patience and care we invest in training and preparing our cats for the outside world. The actual breed of cat is almost irrelevant.
Bengal cat breeding is a very lucrative business for many breeders and rumors and lies about the breed have made Bengal cats become special students amongst the cats.
Bengal cats being more adventurous is the result of the Pygmalion effect.
Adventure lovers are fed the narrative that bengal cats are better for adventuring. Then, very invested cat lovers that want to go on adventures with their cat buy a Bengal, they put a lot of love and effort to make it happen, and the cat likes it (because let’s be honest, most cats will love the outdoors) and there you go, another Bengal cat feeding the Pygmalion effect.
Longevity and Outdoor Life
According to a study examining the longevity of different breeds, cats that are mentally stimulated and well cared for, tend to live longer. But some pedigree cats like the Burmese and Birman – which are known for their long lifespans - are often kept indoors for safety reasons. However, with proper precautions, any breed of cat can enjoy the great outdoors. Cats that live the longest often have a stable temperament and robust health, which helps them benefit from supervised outdoor activities. So, when we provide the stimulation of a balanced outdoor experience, we enrich our cat’s lives without compromising their safety or health.
How to tell if an indoor cat is really and outdoor cat in disguise!
We can often tell if our cat is ready to enjoy the outdoor life, by simply observing their behaviour. Do any of the following cat personality types seem familiar to you?
The Window Watcher
Cats who spend a lot of their time looking out of the window are not just nosey neighbours, they are also displaying an acute interest in the world beyond their home. This can be a good indicator of a desire to explore the great outdoors.
The Door Dasher
If your cat tries to escape through the door whenever it opens, this is a good sign of their eagerness to investigate the world outside.
The Energy Ball
Cats that are overly active, or seem restless indoors, will often benefit from the additional stimulation that outdoor activities can provide.
The Vocalizer
Persistent meowing or vocalizing near doors and windows can be another sign that your cat has the urge to explore the outside.
Training Your Cat for Outdoor Adventures
Once you’ve decided that your cat has the right traits and temperament for outdoor adventures, it’s really important to ensure their safety through proper training and precautions. You can watch the following video to see how I trained my own cat Mia using these same ideas.
1. Leash Training
Begin by introducing your cat to a well-fitted harness and leash. Start the training slowly and indoors at first. This will allow them to get used to the feel of the harness before venturing outside. Positive reinforcement will help encourage your cat during the training process. You can find lots of information about our clicker training method right here.
2. Start at home
Before taking your cat outside, practice walking them indoors on a leash where their territory is familiar. This helps them become comfortable with the idea of being guided and restrained by the leash without the added stress of an unknown environment.
3. Introduce the outside world slowly
Start with short outdoor sessions in a secure and quiet area. Gradually increase the duration and complexity of these outdoor excursions as your cat becomes more confident.
4. Always watch their behaviour
It is important to keep an eye on your cat’s behavior during your outdoor activities. If they show signs of stress, such as flattened ears, a puffed tail, or hiding, it may be necessary to reduce the intensity or duration of the outing until hey build up their confidence.
Four things to remember before starting Outdoor Activities
Safety First – Always ensure the outdoor environment is safe for your cat. Check for potential hazards such as traffic, other animals, or toxic plants. Consider using a cat enclosure or supervised garden area to limit their exposure to dangers.
Health Precautions – Make sure your cat’s vaccinations are up-to-date and use preventative measures against fleas, ticks, worms and other parasites that they may encounter outside.
Supervision – Always supervise your cat during outdoor activities. Never leave them alone, even in a seemingly secure area, to prevent accidents or unexpected encounters with other pets or wildlife.
Know your cat – Every cat is an individual, and while some are perfectly content with their indoor lifestyle, others may thrive with the added stimulation of outdoor activities. By understanding the characteristics that make certain cats more inclined toward a life outside, we can make informed decisions about whether to introduce our feline friends to the joys of the great outdoors.
With proper training, safety measures, and attentiveness, outdoor exploration can be a rewarding experience for both cats and cat owners, enriching the bond between them and opening the door to a whole new world of physical and mental stimulation.
Stay Wild, Stay Safe... SEE YOU OUTDOORS!
Albert & Mia
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