Cat Advice

I've been there. I spent more than $100 on a cat tree and I got home, built the cat tree, and showed it proudly to my cat. To realize as I'm turning around, that my cat Mia is inside the...
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From understanding Uber's pet policy to rewarding your cat after a successful journey, we've got you covered. Discover valuable tips on minimizing stress, securing the carrier, handling anxious cats, and more. Get ready to embark on stress-free and enjoyable Uber...
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Cat collars have kept cats safe for years, but as cats have moved from the barn to our homes and become members of our families, many people are now avoiding having their cats wearing a collar. Some of the main...
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When I realized my cat had escaped, a stream of cold sweat started taking over my body. It was not the first time my cat Mia got lost, but it was the first time it happened in a foreign country with...
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You were dreaming to have a cat since you were a child and now you have a child, but things are not as easy as you thought... there's the common misbelief that cats are low-maintenance animals but that could not...
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