Clicker Training Cats

Why Do Cats Go Crazy for Cat Treats? The objective of a cat treat is to offer your cat a little edible reward, something tasty that they don't usually get. There are lots of different cat treats and not all of...
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When I tell people I train cats for a living I can see the doubt in their eyes. They look at me like I just woke up from anesthesia and I'm speaking nonsense. Cat training is very possible and with this...
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There's the common misbelief that cats can't be trained. But that's simply not true! Cats are very intelligent creatures, and with a little patience and the right cat tricks, you can have your feline friend doing all sorts of fun...
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Clicker Training is an amazing method to train your cat. It's based on operant conditioning and will help you shape behavior, from doing tricks to correcting misbehavior. When I started clicker training, I felt like my cat was not food motivated, or she...
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When a customer has problems training their cat, the #1 excuse I hear is: "I can't train my cat because it's not food motivated" Cats, like any animal, are programmed for survival. Some motivators and emotions allow us to thrive...
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